
Sunday, April 13, 2014


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Maggie: After a day of rain on Friday, and some outings over the weekend, we came back to the hut to relax this afternoon. It was sunny and warm, so we pulled the play pen out onto the terrace and added some foam matting for comfort. The girls had a lovely time eating fruit and playing out in the open. Despite her serious expression in this photo, they were having a great time!
Elisabeth: This week has been exciting to see her understand so many words, apart from the usual pointing to Mama, Papa, Maggie, Big dog, little dog, she has added ears, nose, eyes and flowers to her list. I love seeing them in these pixie crochet tops my aunt made them, I love watching her smile at her sister, and watching them kiss and cuddle each other is just about my favourite thing ever.

Joining in with Jodi at her blog Practising Simplicity.


  1. They're just delightful Marian. Loving their expressions this week. The main difference with my boys is their expressions, they both have their own unique ones, and their voices are slightly different too so I know who is talking to me if I can't see them whereas others have no idea who is who...Mel x

  2. Miss Maggie! Why so serious? Precious girl!
    The crochet pixie tops are just great! I must see if I can find a pattern, the next frontier in my crocheting abilities!


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