Maggie: Rob took this photo of Maggie on Saturday morning when I popped out quickly to pick up milk. They were eating milk arrowroot biscuits with butter on top. The girls love butter, indeed Maggie said "I could eat butter all day long!" She made Rob's year I think yesterday, when after eating three slices of his fresh sourdough bread (his first ever sourdough loaf), she declared "I love your bread Papa."
Elisabeth: Escapee curls, a ribbon, and a slight smile. Elisabeth told everyone this morning "I love you Papa/Mama/Maggie!" She notices the most amazing things; when we were at the park the other day she noticed a grandfather and grandson together on the swings. She looked at me and whispered "Mama that's his grandfather". She loves her Gramps and we haven't seen him in two weeks due to a flu he had. I took this photo yesterday while Rob was vacuuming I try to keep the girls amused and out from under his feet!
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.