Maggie: After five days away from my family on a research vessel adventure we had a great weekend together. Heading up north to Launceston to visit family, eat delicious food, visit the museum (girls weren't quite ready for the Permian monsters display, apparently moving, roaring robotic dinosaurs are scary!) and attend a cousin's 1st birthday party. The girls had a blast, wearing party hats, blowing on party blowers, chasing bubbles, jumping on a trampoline, drinking strawberry milk, and eating rainbow jelly and birthday cake!
Elisabeth: bubble chasing is serious stuff. She has basically toilet trained herself in a week. Hooray! She came up to me at the museum and told me she needed to go to the toilet, and we managed our first public toilet with ease. So proud.
Need to take one more set of portraits to catch up with Jodi's 52 portrait series.
Well done Elisabeth! -Violet