
Sunday, March 29, 2015


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Maggie: Some lighthearted portraits this week. We always let the zucchini get away from us in the garden. So when they get monstrously big, we pick them and measure them against the girls. The girls decided however they would like to ride them! So I couldn't resist drawing a little face on their trusty steeds! Maggie has been babbling away to herself this week, her language is about to take off we think.

Elisabeth: Claudia had an operation on her leg this week, she has been a bit naughty and chewed her stitches so we came home with a "cone of shame" yesterday. Elisabeth took one look at the embarrassed dog and declared "Claudia has a ridiculous head!" I think Rob took both of these photos again this week.

Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


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Maggie: Rob took this week's portraits. On Friday they made some beetroot brownies together and the girls helpfully cleaned up! This week we had several appointments at the NICU clinic. Physio, occupational therapy, paediatrician and paediatric neuropsychological assessments. The girls breezed through it all and no longer need to attend the Doctor. We have had a weekend without Papa, this afternoon we went to a baby shower that was at a park, so the girls had a blast in a little hut cubby, on the slide and they finally enjoyed the swings. They came home with a balloon, which is just about heaven. 
Elisabeth: After 2 hours on Wednesday at the hospital, Elisabeth had had enough. She asked "open door please, go home now?" Her sentences amaze us still.

Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


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Maggie: The look is a request to pick her up off the hidden sceptic tank. We went to the park on Friday afternoon and both girls were so keen to try everything out, including a big slide. Maggie struck up a conversation with some older boys as she perched at the top of the slide not letting anybody past!
Elisabeth: They like to stand either side of the open bifold doors and talk. Usually ends up in fits of giggles before they swap positions. Her phrases crack us up sometimes. When Maggie dropped a glass out on the terrace the other day and I was scrambling trying to pick the girls up (they didn't have a stitch of clothing on or shoes!) she turned to me and said "Don't worry!"

Joining in with Jodi for the 52 portrait project.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


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Maggie: a pensive look. She's been a little tired and fragile emotionally over the weekend. On Saturday night some friends came to visit for dinner. After dinner we had a game of Find my Piglet, a variation on memory where not only do you have to match pairs of animals, you match a mother and baby. Up until now the girls have just picked up a card and told me the animal. But the game suddenly clicked for Maggie and she picked up the two matching cards (owl and owlet) and put them down together!
Elisabeth: trying her first pomegranate. They had fun digging out the seeds and munching on them. We removed the trays from their high chairs this last weekend, so they could sit up at the table with us. Elisabeth declared herself a "grown-up baby". They loved sitting up with us properly.

Joining in a little late with Jodi's 52 portrait project.

Monday, March 2, 2015


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Maggie: This week's photos are nearly exactly the same as the photos I took a year ago. The girls were watching Rob outside doing some brush cutting. Maggie's collection of words is growing. I bought them a memory card game for Christmas called Find my Piglet, the object of the game is to match the mother animal to the baby animal. Maggie picked up a card and announced "turtle". She smiles proudly as we (including Elisabeth) clap her new words. 
Elisabeth: Has been a bit cheeky at care, deciding not to have a day time nap. This has resulted in meltdowns at dinner on our return home. Not pretty at all. The tiredness hangs over into the next day, but after a good long nap she usually bounces back. She has taken to talking to herself about all sorts of things, parties and teddies, Papa and Grandma. She has perfected "Yes please Mama" with a winning smile. She will go far! She also has been practising her jumping this week.

Joining in (a little late) with Jodi's 52 portrait project.