
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Into the light

Rob and I had a bit of a play with the camera on the weekend- the sunlight was coming through from another room.
My cute mini-daffodils have just started, and a recent find at the Antiques warehouse, my first proper tea cup.


  1. Love the light at the mo also.
    Esp the morning /late arvo on the wattles.
    Great time of year here, everything looks bewdiful!

  2. Thanks Steve and Colette, I must admit my photo of the teacup was a total fluke, sadly the camera can make even the most amateur photographer look ok! Rob at least knew that his photos of the daffodils would look like that!

  3. Just gorgeous! The winter sun is so soft and gentle at the monent. Mind you I am looking forward to spring and some warm, warm days. x


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