
Monday, October 4, 2010

A little crazy

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Do you ever feel a little crazy?
Just excited to be outside in the sun, sniffing the salty air?
Do you love the beach so much, you start squeaking and prowling around in the car on the way there?
If you answered yes to all three you might like to join Nigella on her dog walk.
If this photo doesn't make you laugh I don't know what will.
A second later I'm trying to shield the camera and myself from being licked.
We had a great weekend enjoying the sun in Tasmania, 21°C is roasting down here!


  1. That crazy-eyed bounding looks a little familiar... hmm, flashbacks to Kingston Beach on Saturday...

  2. Nothing lifts your spirits quite like the bounding enthusiasm of a dog let off the leash! Nice one!

  3. Susan - sorry we missed you by a day, there were actually two Bernese Mountain Dogs on the beach (the two black dots in the background!) I always keep an eye out for you and Baerli.

    I know Steve- it doesn't matter how crappy/boring/hectic my day at work has been, Nigella can make me crack a smile with one bound!

    Rach, it has been crazy the weather, last week it was snowing and then the weekend was absolutely beautiful.

  4. She's so can see the glint in her eye. A lickin' is a-coming!!! xx

  5. I would love to join Nigella! I grew up by the beach so I miss the sand & sea every day. I have lovely Paris instead but it's just not the same. xx ps: look how your dog is looking at the camera in this photo :)


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