
Thursday, December 1, 2011

O Christmas Tree

80 metres of white electrical tape.
That's a lot of tape, to wind around branches. At various stages through that process (over 3 hours last night) I did wonder, if our tree would just look crap. But Rob and I, high on the smell of plastic tape, pushed on, despite the dogs trying to distract us by throwing their tennis balls around and wanting to go outside or snuggle on the window seat. The verdict at the end, was, I have to say, that we were very happy with our little tree and pretty darn pleased with ourselves. So happy I did a silly dance. I took photos with the iPhone that don't really do it justice. Then I sat for another half an hour with the lights on in the dark just gazing at it, in a moment, as Nigella would say, of quiet pride.



This morning I felt bleary eyed, but still got up early to decorate the tree with some simple red balls, my Christmas reindeer, and red Lindt balls, before work.
I love it. We love it. It suits the hut, with our Scandinavian, modernist, country, thing we have going on. Can't wait to get home tonight and decorate the rest of the house.



P.S. There's only 24 sleeps til Christmas!


  1. IT LOOKS FANTASTIC! But how can you have chocolate out in the open with dogs around?! My Ollie is a chocolate monster and manages to eat wrappers and open the pantry to find the chocolate! Are your girls not into chocolate?
    Ollie once ate a hole block and lived to tell the tale... He didn't look too happy afterwards mind you!

  2. Our dogs are not particularly keen on chocolate, besides I've hung up their personal reindeer stocking, filled with liver treats, so we've trained them if I ask them to find the reindeer and they nudge the stocking and sit they can have a treat.
    They're not really interested in the tree at all!

  3. Oh wow, I love this so much. It reminds me of a tree we had years ago that our boys dragged in from the bush. They were most proud of the leaf-less branches and it did look rather grand decorated.
    Those choccies wouldn't last long here, they'd eiher get nabbed by the kids or would melt in the heat :)

  4. Oh, its just gorgeous! I love it x

  5. it looks amazing! three hours well spent i say :)

  6. Bless the hut and the tree! Merry Christmas. Can't wait for the menus!!!

  7. Oh my goodness, it's gorgeous! I love all the Christmas cheer going on at the hut, including your present tradition you posted about the other day which I didn't get a chance to comment on. Mel xx

  8. Wow- it's stunning! Happy decorating.


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