
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Winter morning

I wasn't much better at blogging this week! A full on week at work, mostly good but the head cold is still lingering on, making me feel a bit weary.
Yesterday I managed to injure both my big toes with a pull-up banner, they're bruised, sore and puffy. The day was topped off with the realization that my electric blanket no longer works. First world problems I know.
A couple of glasses of Italian red and a plate of pasta and meatballs did soothe.

But today is a new day. The sky is an unbelievable blue. I can hear birds. The sun is streaming through our French doors onto our bed. Rob made me breakfast in bed (freshly baked sourdough rye rolls with jam). But best of all, I just captured a photo of this gorgeous Mr Robin who keeps tap tap tapping on my window.
Happy winter weekend to you.


  1. What a great photo there! The sky is unreal :) Winter like this makes me love living in Tassie so much. Hope your toes are on the mend. I want one of those awesome ice packs now!

  2. Sounds like a busy week and big bummer about your toes. They looked very sore.
    Today is a wonderful winter day. I've been out in the garden attacking my raspberry canes. I understand what you mean about the roses, I actually don't mind pruning either. Any work in the garden is good for the soul I think.
    ps the robin is so sweet! Could he see his refelction I wonder?

  3. Oh you lucky duck! What I'd do to have Robins in my garden!

    Hope your toes heal up quickly!

  4. Oh, he is just gorgeous! What a lovely way to wake up each day! Finally we had a sunny glorious blue skied morning too! I 'should' get out in the garden....
    Surely the sight of a blue sky will dampen the 'bad luck' you've had! Have a lovely weekend x

  5. Lovely picture, it was a beautiful day today wasnt it, but im with you, i have a stinking cold too.

  6. That really is the bluest sky. And that photo - fantastic. I adore robins they are just so friendly.

    I hope you are feeling better. Colds that linger are plain annoying. And your poor toes, big ouch.

    Love that your revamped window seat made it onto kelle's blog!

  7. I said it on instagram and I will say it here again...that photo is breathtaking.


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