
Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Flowers

Tasmanian spring weather - I don't know how we forget it from year to year. Yesterday was warm (well for Tasmania) but the wind picked up early. I found out via the ABC news website that power went out at the hut at about 10am. Luckily we'd already been invited to my parents for dinner- as a hut without power wasn't that appealing!
The wind hadn't died down much during the day, when we drove home at 8pm we came across the electric company work team dealing with a tree and power lines just down the road from us. The hut was in darkness. After Rob rescued the Weber bbq (it had travelled around the side of the shed on it's trolley!) and some seedlings growing in trays we lit some candles and headed to bed.
This morning we were able to survey the damage. One tray of seedlings (quite sadly some Tangerine fluff poppies I'd won from Phoebe) had flown off in the wind, a few of our eucalypts had been damaged on the fenceline, and most distressing was our big eucalypt we'd been growing near the dam for the last 5 years has lost a significant amount of the main leader trunk (it had already suffered in the terrible wind a few weeks ago, but it's height has been reduced by half now!) The broad beans and peas look a bit worse for wear too, but hopefully they perk back up.
Somehow my tulips survived. Which is something, as a few warm days had brought on the flowering. Thankfully Rob took these photos last week in some morning sunlight.

The vegetable garden is looking so promising, everything is so green.
With any luck the weekend will at least be less windy, and best of all daylight savings starts this weekend!


  1. Wasn't the wind awful! I'm sorry to hear you had tree damage, I'm silly but i always feel sorry for trees that fall or split.
    You are lucky that the tulips survived, mine all blew apart. Rob's pics are wonderful. Your garden must be bringing you so much joy and satisfaction.
    Have a relaxing weekend x

  2. Oh no!!
    But on a brighter note, you have so many tulips!!! Such happy cheery colors too! They are just gorgeous! x

    Those flowers are GORGEOUS!
    Sorry to hear about the wind though

    But I am so jealous of your garden! lol
    Enjoy the weekend,
    Sarah xo


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