
Sunday, June 9, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Ironically, after last weeks post, the girls have caught a cold, and passed it onto me. So blog posts have taken a back seat. So far they are doing alright, but I have been watching their little chests, and checking for a fever every few minutes, then asking Rob to check too. 

On top of the three of us being snotty we also headed into town on Friday for some blood tests. Not fun. Maggie went ok, bleeding well from a vein in her hand. Elisabeth's vein did not bleed at all. So the poor nurses resorted to simultaneous heel pricks, one in each foot. Poor baby was absolutely beside herself, screaming not really from pain, but terror, despite me holding her hands and stroking her face. They gave up before the 4th vial, as by then all of us were teary.
At least it sounds as if the results were normal, I'm hoping that at next Wednesday's  appointment with the paediatrician they'll let us discontinue the phosphate supplements. 

We have been hibernating at the hut this weekend. Resting. Eating comfort food. Listening to the count down of the top 100 music from movies on classic FM.

I took these photos of the girls in the cute gum nut baby hats and onesies on Wednesday, before the sniffles started. An IG friend, kindly made them for us as a gift. Their facial expressions are classic.


  1. Truly a beautiful series of your gumnut girls!!
    Hope the snottiness has gone and the phosphate can stop

  2. Gosh. They're so tiny.. they look so fragile.. their expressions are amazing. I would just spend all day staring at them xx

  3. Oh your little girls are beautiful, gorgeous photos and hats! It's no fun having needles, poor little things. Hope you're all feeling better this week, and can get some rest. Found you through Che and Fidel!

  4. I can't get enough of these photos of your girls! That fist photo is hysterical! They look like they are so active! What cuties. xx

  5. This photo story is delightful! Just visiting via Che and Fidel :)

  6. crossing fingers that you all are well this weekend. love these two! so sweet. xo


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