
Monday, October 7, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Maggie: being changed into day clothes by Papa.
Elisabeth: (very) early sunlight into the hut, Elisabeth trying to crawl on the mat while I fed Maggie, the dogs looking in, Rob making us our morning coffees.

I tried to take a few photos this week of our morning routine: images to trigger a memory of these spring mornings at the hut with two small babies.

Joining in with Jodi at Che & Fidel.


  1. Love your photos this week. I remember looking back at your blog when you just brought the girls home. And now they are crawling.. Time just gets away.. Which is why I like this project so much. It's lovely to have a weekly record. I wish I had started this earlier, when my kids were babies, like yours. Love your red chairs, by the way. And that Tassie light.. Just beautiful.

  2. These are so inspiring and beautiful. I love watching these sweet girls of you grow and change. xo


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