
Monday, October 14, 2013


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013"

It's been a week of sniffles here at the hut. Snotty babies aren't fun, are they? But they seem to be over the worst of it.

We have been taking this monthly portrait over Rob's shoulders since June. Watching the girls change from month to month is pretty amazing. (Maggie is on the left and Elisabeth on the right).
They were weighed and measured this week: Maggie is 5450g and 64cm and Elisabeth is 5810g and 65cm.
We'll keep taking them as long as Rob can pick them both up! 

Joining in with Jodi at Che and Fidel. 


  1. The shape of their little heads... Oh, so gorgeous..

  2. I love these shots! Look at them both, so alert! They are just gorgeous x

  3. They are so gorgeous Marian! I have a very similar photo of the boys taken about the same age :-) Too cute x


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