It was odd to be on my own. I chatted to my hairdresser (mostly of course about the girls), a novelty to speak with an adult other than Rob!
Of course he styled my hair and I knew I'd just want to go home and wash it out. But it was nice to sit and be preened.
I drank my tea too milky and too fast, just like I do at home now.
I went into new and glittery shops that have opened in the revitalised city centre. But was overcome with the bright lights, music and choice, so scurried out without a purchase.
I darted away from anybody with a cough. Not sure when or if I'll lose that habit.
I got a new phone. I don't miss Telstra shops, that's for sure.
The shopping highlight was heading back to the big pharmacy near the hospital to buy hair dye (oh those grey hairs are multiplying), baby QV wash, breastfeeding shields and bottle teats.
I picked up one of my favourite afternoon snacks when I was at the hospital: a caramel milkshake and date scone.
Even our little city is buzzing after my long babymoon at the hut. I have lost the ability to concentrate in such a noisy, busy environment. I also didn't realise how much I filter what I read and watch as I only have a phone to engage with the wider world.
I seek beauty. In life. In a bunch of flowers from the garden. In classical music on the radio. In the grey goshawk as it flies across the dam. The rain pouring down my window pane. The pasture grasses starting to flower. Online friendships that are more real to me than some of my real life friends. In the kind and loving gestures of a dear husband I love very much. In the faces of our daughters.
It was fun for a few hours. But I don't really mind that I've stepped off the merry-go-round at the moment. It will help me appreciate our life at home all the more. Both Nigella and I feel lighter, ready for summer, free.
What a lovely, reflective read! I still feel a bit of a stranger in town, an observer. It all moves and changes so fast, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed your pampering time. I love your long hair but you definitely rock the elfin look too.
Those babies are so gorgeous. I loved the pcs rob posted when you were out.
Photos of you and nigella when you have a mo, please! Hugs all round xxxx Sarah
My goodness, I can relate 100% to everything you have written in this post! xo
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post Marian
ReplyDeleteHibernating at the hut sounds like all kinds of good!
Such a thoughtful post, Marian. I had been wondering how you felt about being away from the girls. I always found it really odd when they were that small, like a huge part of me was missing. You sound so content. Fabulous. J x
ReplyDeleteI just loved reading this post of yours :) How lovely to have been pampered and to have had a spot of free time. I too find myself eager to get back to my girls on the odd occasion I have time to myself...usually for my hair appointment every three months :) And while I often think I would like to wander around the shops by myself, if I ever do get there, I find I don't know what to look at, I don't like the crowds and I feel overwhelmed by all the choices. Your baby-cation staying cosy at the hut sounds perfect and definitely appeals to my homebody tendencies :) xx
ReplyDeleteLovely thoughts, how nice to be off the merry go round but be able to dip in for a visit ��