
Friday, December 27, 2013

Hut Christmas 2013 - the big day

It may just go down as one of my most favourite Christmas days ever, despite not meeting up with family for the traditional lunch feast (my family is overseas and Rob's were having a quiet Christmas.) It meant we didn't have to rush, and with two babies who need feeding and naps at regular intervals it was a relaxing day without an agenda.

But it also felt right this year to be just us. We had an early Christmas lunch on Sunday with Rob's elder daughter, the girls excitedly helping her to open presents, and enjoying the books she gave them.

When the girls woke early on Wednesday for their first feed I got Rob to pop a few presents from us in their stockings. After their birthday we kept their gifts simple for Christmas, a read, a wear and a play each. He brought them into our bedroom. The girls were still a little sleepy.

A cute pair of suede slippers each and a pink onesie. The girls were sure they were edible.

Claudia wasn't really impressed.

The girls like their breakfast as soon as they wake, snacking on bananas, peaches, ham and a little cooked egg yolks. Rob and I settled for ham and fried eggs with coffee.

The dogs added to the festive ambiance as I had tied a bell to their collars. We could hear them jingling all day, which I love.

We decided to bathe the girls as they had smeared egg yolks all over their faces (the joys of baby led weaning!) They get quite excited by their big girl baths, splashing, chatting and babbling away. The day was already warming up so we let them play for awhile before wrapping them up in white towels to dry and dress.

We continued to open gifts, slowly getting through the pile. Rob looked quite sheepish about a box for me. So he should, it was a hand held vacuum cleaner!

Luckily he made up for it with 500g of Belgian chocolate, some Italian Torrone and a gorgeous marble pear.

I must admit I thought he would do that, so I returned the favour with new socks and jocks. 

The girls understand the presents are for them, and are interested in the wrapping and the very tasty gift tags! 

But it was so exciting they did need a nap!

The day was sunny and warm. We drank coffee and tea, listened to Handel's Messiah on the radio, rang family to wish them a Merry Christmas. Eventually the pile of presents under the tree all ended up unwrapped and spread over the table. We were all spoilt. 

By now it was lunch time. So we ate a simple salad with some cheese. The girls were happy in their high chairs, looking out the open bifold doors. 

I quickly made up Maggie Beer's almond and cumquat pudding and set it on the stove to steam for 4 hours. Then we retreated to the bedroom where it was a little cooler. At first the girls were so excited they just sat on our bed laughing and flapping their arms in delight. It was so lovely to see, and Rob and I both were taken back to last Christmas in the NICU, to our first cuddles with two tiny premmie babies. Last year we dared to hope that we would spend a second Christmas with them, and to see them happy and healthy together at home is the best gift we could receive. We are so grateful for our two miracle babies. After a feed from me the girls fell asleep between us and I even snoozed til 5pm. 

It was still warm so we packed up the girls and the dogs and drove to a nearby dog beach. The dogs chased sticks (and some poor little dog!) and we waded in the surprisingly warm water with the girls in our back pack carriers. It really was a serene evening. 

Back home we ate another salad with some cold ham, the girls munched on cold potatoes and a little ham too.
My pudding was unveiled and covered in the candied cumquats I'd made a few days previously. For a gluten free adaptation it was pretty good!

After one last cuddle and feed the girls were ready for bed, and Rob and I after reflecting together on our day fell asleep not long afterwards.

How was your Christmas? 


  1. love the pic of the girls and their stockings.
    Its ok. i got a bug zapper from my hubby one year !!!

  2. We had a few lovely days, eating and drinking and backyard cricket! Christmas is a lovely time to catch up with family but its so, so nice when they all come to you and the day is very slow and relaxed! The girls looked like they enjoyed their Christmas....I look forward to watching them as they get older and really become excited about this fun time of year!!
    Merry Christmas xox

  3. Sounds lovely!! I much prefer the smaller, quieter Christmas celebrations. The year Sophie was born, we had just my Mum, sister and mother-in-law over for lunch and it was lovely. This year, we had two large (25+ people) functions to attend, although they weren't at our house so they were stress-free, it's just that it was a long day for the girls. We had fun though, so much so I didn't end up taking any photos!! I;m so glad you had such a wonderful Christmas at home with your darling girls xx

  4. What a wonderful Christmas you had this year - I love every single one of these photos and that one of you is stunning!!! Looking forward to catching up again soon. Love Mel xxx

  5. Thank you for the lovely description of your day, you look very relaxed and happy.The girls are so active and curious, coming along so well.
    Yes what a difference from last year !
    I spent Christmas at the coast with my son and his family, very laid back, early tea and cereal and fruit, gift opening, loooong simple Brunch on the deck,way up in the trees, more present opening on and off,playing cluedo with the boys and some pool time, easy as :)
    I am lighting a candle this evening, to give thanks for the year past, we have much to be thankful for, even just living peacefully in this wonderful country.
    Wishing you all health, happiness and love in the coming year.

  6. What a beautifully peaceful day you had together. I'm just catching up on a heap of blog reading after our break,(no internet at the farm!) I love that you went to the beach, spending time by the water was a great way to end our day too. xx


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