
Tuesday, January 7, 2014


A bit like a new diary awaiting that first entry, it feels a little delicious to start off this year's 52 portrait project from the beginning of the year, rather than gate crashing half way through.

I have challenged myself to take the photos with the DSLR this year, as last year the ease of using the iPhone did tend to dominate my camera choice. With guidance from Rob, I am working on using the camera in manual, and he is doing the post production work in Lightroom.

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Maggie: There is just a certain Maggie-ness to her face here, the slightly cheeky look in her eyes, about to break into a smile.
Elisabeth: She is looking so grown up all of a sudden. Today she stood up by herself and she was so proud. As are we.

Joining in (a little late) with Jodi at her lovely new blog Practising Simplicity.


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