
Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 31 - Kardinal

So Blogtober began with the Queen of the Night tulips and closes with a Kardinal rose.
The flower garden has changed dramatically over the month, and I may not have noticed how quickly if it wasn't for the blog.
I have captured snippets of our life, perhaps a little mundane at times, but it is all real, and where we are at right now.

I hope I can continue to blog more frequently, maybe not everyday but a few times a week. It has felt a bit like a deadline to meet each day, but I did enjoy taking photos and briefly writing to them.

Thank you for reading along and commenting. Glad to know people do still visit!

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  1. Well done!
    I too blogged a bit more this month. Always good to have something to do with all the photos! :) Looking forward to hearing from you a bit more often!

  2. Its been so much fun reading so hope you continue, at least a few times a week. Its fun to see how big the girls are getting and to see some off your daily life... And since i live across the world it is fun to se that our life with small kids are much the same..


Thank you for visiting, I love to hear from you.