
Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday Flowers

Thanks for your comments on my last post, Mum's at least speaking to me again! Sorry it was such a long and rambling post. The blogger app on my phone won't let me intersperse the images through the post which is why they're all clumped at the end.
I've lost track of the days this week. Rob has been busily moving FCR gravel around and getting the base right for the pavers.
I'm trying to work out the pattern, which is easier said than done. So instead I painted two gates our favourite blue to match the laundry hut doors. But now it's back to the paver design, maybe a drink will help?
I can't believe it's the end of our 3rd week of holidays, I'll try to make the most of what's left, but I know that I won't be able to help myself and work will start to hover at the edges of my consciousness.
What are your plans for new years eve? Ours is just to have a quiet night in, I'm thinking a roast chook and a bottle of bubbly and maybe some ice-cream afterwards. We rarely make it to midnight! I have started to reflect on all the things that have happened in 2011, but will post about it tomorrow.
The lilies are nearly all flowering, a new one for this week are the royal sunset lily. Rob doesn't like this one, but I do!
More promising is the expansion of the Christmas lily flower buds, they are very beautiful with their creamy trumpet flowers. But a little late for Christmas! I've loved reading about how everyone's celebrations went.


  1. i just found your blog yesterday and have enjoyed reading several of your posts. Im in the huon valley too.

    As far as my New Years Eve goes, we will be celebrating my eldest born's 18th Birthday, where did those years go!

    All the best to you and your husband for the New Year.


  2. I would love to stay up till midnight but these time zones are messing with me! Midnight here in Kununurra is like 3am in my 'old' time zone so I'm pretty sure I won't make it. It will be a quiet one, bubbles, sparklers and croc spotting. Have a great night tomorrow! Mel xx


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