
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hut Christmas 2013 - fruit mince pies

I love them. Always have. Which is saying something as my parents always bought them from the supermarket! As a child it was another excuse to eat Mother's brandy cream. A boozy, whipped egg white lightened cream that we loved on hot Christmas pud or little pies.

So it was a bit of a revelation when on celebrating my first Christmas with Rob we made a batch of Nigella's mincemeat (from How to be a Domestic Goddess), full of fruit, apple, cider and brandy. Rather than faff about with tiny mince pies we often make one large pie, either topped with pastry stars, frangipane or crumble.

We still make a batch of mincemeat every year, and we vary it a little each year, for example adding hazelnuts, or Italian glacĂ© cherries. Last year's mincemeat went uneaten as Rob changed to a gluten free diet. 

We're hoping to try a gluten free pastry in the next few weeks, but in the mean time Rob treated me to a half-dozen Jackman & McRoss pies, which I shamefully have to admit didn't last a day!

Do you like mince pies?
Do you make your own? 


  1. My mum's mince pies are THE BEST. Crumbly, buttery pastry, boozy mince not too sweet.... Yum. I need to steal her recipe!

  2. I love them too Marian & yes I make a batch of small pies each year. This year I am trying a recipe from the Bourke Street Bakery cookbook, the fruit is soaked in a mix of brandy & apple cider. Happy days to you :)

  3. Love mince pies! I make my own to a Paul Hollywood (great British bake off on bbc?) recipe, love his pastry! Failing that marks and spencer puff pastry mince pies are a guilty pleasure!

  4. I've not tried mince pie. It's officially on my December to-do list this year!

  5. We too end up with some version of supermarket pies. Occasionally really nice ones from the end fancier Woolworths. I love them. Specifically on Christmas morning, accompanied by strong coffee with lots of cream and sugar for me. Maybe a splash of whiskey if we are feeling frisky. The round out my version of Christmas. Dad perched on his Batonka* stool. Silly Father Christmas hat on. Handing out gifts from under the tree. Lounging around in pajamas, wrapping paper and often-reused ribbon strewn around. Smiles and thank you's and carefully stacked gifts.
    Dad hates mince pies. "Little pieces of heartburn wrapped in pastry". More for me then :)

  6. Sorry-Batonka: a tribe local to Z Mbabane where I great up. Google will show you pictures of their beautifully carved stools. Dad has perched upon his to dole out gifs as long as I can remember!


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