
Monday, December 2, 2013

Hut Christmas 2013 - ornaments for the girls

Last year a friend gave us two sweet handmade decorations for the girls; felt mice in little stockings. 

Yesterday we all headed to the nearby Cygnet market and I went into a gift shop and found these cute wooden Santas made in Sweden which I couldn't resist for the girls.

Normally I would have put our tree up yesterday, but because of the girl's 1st birthday party I'm going to wait (albeit impatiently) until after that to decorate. 
My parents rarely put our tree up much before the 23rd December and it was always put away on the 6th of January. 

I also found three big glass tea light holders that match the smaller ones I already have. 

Is your tree up?
Do you buy special ornaments each year?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, they are so cute! I really do like those little Santas!!
    And only from the 23rd to the 6th.....oh, not long enough!! My tree has been up for weeks....weeks! I was a little too keen I think!
    I'm sure the girls will be lots of 'help' popping the tree up too!


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