Maggie: Rob took these photos on Thursday. Our last day of work, and the girls' last day of care for the year. Our collective breath out was almost audible. I feel we limped through the last couple of months of this year, with a few things going on, the hustle and bustle of life seemed a bit much at times. I love the golden hour down by the big tree at the dam, the girls are happy to play with sticks and play pretend games.
Elisabeth: Despite her serious look she was enjoying herself too. She is growing up so quickly at the moment, and coming out with such sophisticated sentences!
Back on track for the penultimate 52 portrait for 2015. I know Jodi won't be continuing next year, but I find the discipline of taking regular photos important for me to ensure I take them, so I will continue next year.
What wonderful expressions from both - they're both looking so grown up!