Maggie: The photos were on time, but I'm afraid despite being on holiday, blogging took a back seat to life. Apart from Christmas, we headed up to the north of the state for a quick visit, and then returned and succumbed to a terrible head cold. Luckily the girls seem to have escaped it so far, but Rob and I have been coughing and comparing sore throats all week. Energy and enthusiasm for anything but reading or watching DVDs has been lacking. I took these last portraits for 2015 down at the dam in the late evening. Maggie is most definitely my muse, looking into the lens with her direct gaze. They were playing games with their dinosaurs and feathers.
Elisabeth: Gazing off no doubt at the antics of the dogs who usually follow us down the path in the grass and take the opportunity to romp and wrestle around the girls.
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
I think the final portraits of 2014 were down at the dam in the grass too. The girls have grown up so much this year. Losing much of their babyness, Maggie is reminding us every day that she "Is going to be huge"! Their conversations and play games have us grinning like loons, their protectiveness and care for each other (for the most part) have us swooning, and the way they still need to cuddle us most of the day is endearing. I know I feel frustrated that they still depend on us so much and that independent play still seems a far-off dream (that doesn't involve hair-pulling, squabbles and one of us stepping in to mediate!), but I will probably miss these days one day.
Farewell to 2015. We hope 2016 brings new adventures for our little family.
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