Maggie: I'm sure every parent does it, but we often find ourselves marvelling at the girls bodies. The strong little legs, the straight backs, tiny muscular arms. They are so capable. Rob has caught Maggie after coming down the slide, off at a run for her next activity.
Elisabeth: She took the measuring very seriously the other day. The girls thought the tape measures were actually cameras.
Rob took these first portraits for 2016. A whole new year awaits. A new album to fill with their faces, their antics and our hearts.
I was pretty glad to see that Jodi had changed her mind and decided to continue herself with the 52 portraits project. I made short flipagram compilations of the girls 2015 portraits, and I am not sure until you see them all together like that do you truly realise their worth. Yes, sometimes it seems a chore to take the weekly photo (or indeed our monthly twin shot), but in the end the images we have collected over the year are my most treasured possessions.
I might even try to write here a bit more frequently too.
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