So a short post tonight.
Straight lines. Our hut is full of them. In fact the only curved items are the sinks in the bathrooms and the round mirror above one of them. Everything else is angular. I like it that way. The builder told us he'd never built a house with such long external walls (27m)! I love this photo of our hut taken last summer after the great terrace building. Gosh I miss those long sunny days.

Playing along here.
Those long summer days will be here soon and you'll be able to sit outside and admire the hut's beautiful long lines.
I know what you mean about blogging mojo - not much is happening in my life so not much to talk about. Maybe spring will give us a lift?
ps I'm doing risotto for dinner tonight - pumpkin and rocket :)
wow do you live here, it is so lovely and straight!
It has to be winter sapping all our mojo ! But I can feel the seasons changing......
Beautiful photo of your beautiful home x
Love the long lines of your home.
Hi Maxipix - yes this is where we live, it's perfect, well we think so!
Winter has just been way too long this year! What a lovely spot to sit out in the sun! x
Your hut is so cool. I hope you find your blojo soon 'cos I only just found your blog via Snap It! x
Gosh i adore your abode!!
Blogging mojo, i think we can easily overthink our blogs, not sure why or how, but we do. I just popped up a post saying i need a few days off, the wind & rain is messy with my thoughts. I love that we can come & go & simply by announcing i needed a few days away i've already thought up some great posts. Just like that, free the energy, love Posie
Love your hut ... And it's lines
I'm spending more time outside (and less at the computer)
Love that hut of yours. It's so special.
I think you're ready for a change of season. It's feeling quite autumnal here and I like it. X
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