What fun we have together over the weekend, the weather was pretty foul in Hobart and we even woke up to snow on the mountain this morning, so our activities were limited.
We had a little pup recovering from the snip; trying to keep a 6 month old German Shepherd quiet is easier said than done! Poor little girl kept looking underneath her to see if something was biting her.
We went shopping for an oven, and after much debate, settled back to a fairly standard oven and cooktop, with the realisation that when we do mass catering events we would tend to use a BBQ. We decided to invest in a BBQ with a side burner and the capability to do rotisserie (this is highly exciting for Rob) rather than a huge oven that we would have to heat up all the time for the two of us.
We went and sat inside the hut and looked out the windows at the rain (what a novelty).
We baked a white chocolate and almong cake with cumquat marmalade. Hmm still in the testing phase that one.
Last night we won this little beauty on ebay. I was a little excited I have to admit, hunched over the iPad counting down the auction time and relaying the bid amounts. I think Rob and Claudia thought I had lost it. Maybe I had. I really wanted this little myrtle bedside as it matched our
The highlight culinary wise was a vegetable stir fry, with the veg we'd picked up on Saturday morning at the very soggy Salamanca stalls. After a week of over-indulgence at the meeting it was nice to eat real food that still tasted like vegetables!
P.S. Still working on getting the photo exchange sorted. Should have some pretty pics of windows soon.