Maggie: Spring is most definitely in the air. Early morning walks on dewy grass and late afternoon outside play is possible again without rugging up! Love this look of triumph they were keen to be "the winner," the competitive edge might run deeply in these two. Today poor Mags was running around inside (not something I encourage obviously) and learnt the hard way why I always ask them to stop it. I was in the kitchen when I heard the wail, she had slipped over and whacked her nose on the concrete floor. Blood everywhere (we both ended up liberally covered in blood whilst - as Elisabeth described it -Mama played doctor) and then a very swollen nose despite ice. So off to the doctor and then an x-ray. Luckily no fracture but just a sore nose.
Elisabeth: I love this photo of her. She keeps astounding us with her observations and conversations.
Joining in with the 52 portrait project.