Maggie: So grown up here. A friend made the girls the sweetest little ballerina tutus, which I can tell you, made their day. The squeals of excitement when they saw the netting coming out of the brown paper bag! Maggie declared "my favourite", a new phrase that has entered her vocabulary this week. They know (from watching Taylor Swift's Shake it Off and some Angelina Ballerina) they need to walk on their tippy-toes.
Elisabeth: Had caught the dreaded cold and has been a little out of sorts this week. Poor Maggie has been on the wrong end of some of her grumpiness and has a few bite marks to prove it. Still her excitement over her tutu was a sight to behold. Elisabeth is all about pink and ballerinas and fairies. Not sure if that's going to change any time soon.
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity, a little late I admit, for her
52 portrait project.
Eek can't believe next week is the 30th portrait for the year, time is whizzing by. Although I am looking forward to a break from the endless colds and runny noses, barking coughs and the bitter cold of this winter. It seemed to start too early this year, and most sensible Tasmanians try and escape to warmer climes this time of year. I can't wait for the longer days and a bit of warmth.