I quickly snapped a photo looking from the orchard into my flower garden and onto the hut. It's starting to look really good now, the lilies have started to get growing and my beds are filling up with flowers.

Nigella and Claudia always like to follow us about when we garden, they particularly like to sit on the paths and sniff the breeze. You can see my nicely mulched rose beds (with pea straw) and behind them our happy almond trees.

I think I will see my first rose over the weekend, I've been impatiently watching this bud develop and colour up- appropriately the rose is called "First Prize".

The roses seem very happy in the clay soil, they certainly get plenty of sun and now they are mulched we shouldn't need to water them much. Finally the ranunculi are going crazy, neither Rob or myself can pick a favourite colour, each is so perfect.

Hope you have a lovely weekend whatever you get up to.
She does look very content sitting there...almost dozing in the sun! Gorgeous photos...I like the rustic look to your garden, it looks so homely! I love it! Its inspiring and I am working to get my little urban plot looking as good as your plot! Have a lovely weekend! x
Just gorgeous, Marian. Are you going to update your header to have before and after pics?! J x
I adore ranunculi- one of my favourite types of flowers. Your rose bush looks very healthy - in fact, your whole garden looks lovely x
Your rose is looking very healthy. Unfortunately the other photos don't want to load, so I can't see them! x
I thought I had commented here, but it appears not :)
You garden is looking stunning! In response to your good mail letter, I would LOVE to visit and see it in all its glory (and catch up with you too of course!!).
Maybe over summer?
I hope you feel a bit better soon. Keep inside today and relax :)
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