Maggie: Maggie sporting a tell tale sign of toddlerhood. A fading bruise on her forehead from a tumble the day before (it looked much worse with the swollen bump!) The girls this week have started playing games together, hide and seek (they understand the counting and try to say "Coming if you're ready or not, just not the actual hiding part), imaginary shop scenarios under our table, chasing each other. Maggie loves to play with small figures and animals in the dolls house. It is lovely just to sit and listen to her sing-songy voice having conversations between the toys. Rob took this photo.
Elisabeth: I made these Monte Carlo biscuits, and the girls predictably licked the jam and buttercream out of the middle! She did tell me they were delicious. I hurt my back on Sunday (not too badly) and her empathy as I exclaimed during a spasm was so sweet. She rubbed my back and said "Poor Mama's sore back". I painted her toe nails red yesterday, she was delighted, exclaiming how pretty and special they looked. She is innately a really, girly girl.
Joining in with the 52 portrait project at Practising Simplicity.
E & M you get prettier every single day.
Lots of love to you and Mum & Dad.
Canadian Fan.
Oh they are too precious!
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