This weeks menu:
Monday: Left over paella
Tuesday: Potato, pea and purple brussel sprout frittata (disturbingly the next day the brussel sprouts were blue!)
Wednesday: puttanesca pasta
Thursday: Soft-boiled eggs on rocket on sourdough toast
Friday: Chicken and mushroom pie with rocket
Saturday: Roast chicken with roasted potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots, parsnips and the obligatory rocket salad.
Sunday: Chicken, vegetable and pasta soup.
A few other highlights included a lunch date to Tricycle for soup and still warm rye rolls for breakfast in bed yesterday with cumquat marmalade.
We're churning through the citrus at the moment, tangelos, mandarins, oranges and blood oranges, I'm loving it. What's your favourite winter citrus?

Glad to hear you are keeping positive :)
I'm not huge on citrus as I'm so messy eating them. I go through off phases where I'll eat a whole bag in no time and then nothing for weeks.
I bought a Lauke sourdough bread mix from Coles today. Is that the one you use? Will try it tonight, ready for breaky x
God that Frittata looks GOOOOOOD!
Love the mandarins off our own two trees, unfortunately so do the bats :-) Love lemons aaaalll the time....and I know you're not supposed to be able to eat them but I can't wait for my Kaffir to fruit for the first time :-) Wishing you and your Mum good week.
Lots of (soccer) oranges
Lemons for me...made a lemon delicious pudding on Sunday from the ones from our good!
I'm just loving the look of those soft boiled eggs
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