Maggie: This week's photos are nearly exactly the same as the photos I took a year ago. The girls were watching Rob outside doing some brush cutting. Maggie's collection of words is growing. I bought them a memory card game for Christmas called Find my Piglet, the object of the game is to match the mother animal to the baby animal. Maggie picked up a card and announced "turtle". She smiles proudly as we (including Elisabeth) clap her new words.
Elisabeth: Has been a bit cheeky at care, deciding not to have a day time nap. This has resulted in meltdowns at dinner on our return home. Not pretty at all. The tiredness hangs over into the next day, but after a good long nap she usually bounces back. She has taken to talking to herself about all sorts of things, parties and teddies, Papa and Grandma. She has perfected "Yes please Mama" with a winning smile. She will go far! She also has been practising her jumping this week.
Joining in (a little late) with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
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