Maggie: After a week of not doing much because of our head cold, we made the most of the sunny autumn weather this weekend and spent time outside. We went for a wander around the block yesterday evening, walking the dogs and looking at leaves, hazelnuts and mushrooms. Rob took this week's photos again. I was too busy playing chasings with Nigella who had suddenly decided she was a puppy again! Maggie and I often go to our bed to snuggle to sleep (the girls can be a bit silly together at bed time), but on Saturday night she asked Rob and Elisabeth to "come too please". Once we were all snuggled up in bed together (under our toasty warm flannel doona cover) she gently stroked Elisabeth's face and gave her a kiss. Yes the next day they might fight and squabble over toys but their growing friendship and connection is a privilege to watch.
Elisabeth: The fact they can still sort of fit these beanies and hoodies this year makes me smile. She is worried about where everything is at the moment, we are often answering "where is baby fox?", "where are my rings?", "where is Maggie?" Yesterday while Rob was taking her photo she cupped her face and said "my pretty face"!
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
1 comment:
Identical twins!!! I love it, they are beautiful!
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