Maggie: My pippi long stocking has decided to smile that unbelievably fake cheesy smily now when the camera is out! So this was the most natural expression I could manage. A circus has been in town, with giant inflatable (scary to me) clowns popping up in the front yards of various properties on our ride into town. Maggie keenly points them out. Apparently when they visited the library last week she spied the circus tent from the window and exclaimed excitedly "there's a new building".
Elisabeth: Continues to take an interest in the photos I take, happily posing then rushing around to see the back of the camera! She is also keen on the concept of Rob and I going on a "date night" so she can be babysat by my parents! We might do it soon, as a treat in the rush up to their birthday and Christmas, and to celebrate some big deadlines we both have at work.
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
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