Although our quince trees have just started to flower, the weather has been terrible in the mornings so I haven't managed to get a photo. Luckily for me Rob has a vast collection of pictures so he dug a few out for me to share.
Quinces, we love their fruit, the perfume is like nothing else, we often buy a couple just to pop in the fruit bowl, so that the perfume wafts around the house. One of the first things Rob and I did together as a couple was take cuttings of a favourite quince tree at a friends place. Our success wasn't brilliant, but we ended up with four trees which are now planted at the block, perfectly positioned so that you can sit on the window seat and gaze at them.
Their flowers are quite beautiful don't you think? I especially love the buds, how they are all whorled up. You can see the similarity to roses can't you? Rob is running his Tasmanian plant taxonomy practicals at the moment, so we're in flower collecting mode (really just Sunday afternoon strolls finding flowers!) His introductory prac is called Supermarket Systematics. We go shopping and buy a trolley full of fruit and vegetables, and then the students get to classify the produce into their families (with the help of some of these photos as the flowers are the key to grouping plants). After the prac is over the students get to pick one of the items to take home! I miss helping Rob with these pracs, I used to quite like demonstrating in the classes.

These photos are stunning, Hazel! What camera do you use? I am seriously impressed. J x
Thanks Jane- I can't take credit for these, my husband Rob took them, he uses a Nikon DSLR. His photos are quite beautiful (even if I do say so myself!), have you seen his Tree identification guides around Hobart? EucaFlip and TreeFlip. They're great to take on walks around Tasmania, and he provides free kits to any school that requests them, children love using them to work out plants!
I love those quince blossoms. My two trees are looking gorgeous too along with the apple blossoms. Beautiful pics Rob.
I loved your comment about sand dunes, such happy memories. I hope my two remember their east coast trips as fondly when they grow up.
What beautiful images if stunning blooms. They sort of remind me of magnolias as well as apple blossom.
You guys seem to have such fascinating jobs!
Have a great weekend :)
Ps, I was out in the garden today and checked out my magnolia for you. It's called Royal Star. Google it and take a look. It's only small but very pretty :)
Yes, I think they look gorgeous!
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