We had a lot of rain at the hut on Saturday afternoon, it pelted down. Rob and I ran inside and felt quite smug in our nice warm hut. On Sunday morning we headed out for a mid-morning perimter. At the end we headed over to our drive way where it crosses the creek (with a culvert underneath) in the gully, and the side of the bank had slumped down by over a metre! Right next to the edge of the driveway. The clay had become a terrible goopy mess that is now bulging untidily. So for the rest of the weekend I obsessively checked the bank for further damage. I know far worse things could happen, that Rob and I are well, the hut is ok etc, but I was kind of hoping that days of stressing over the hut and future expenses were over. My heart has been aching ever since, and I barely slept a wink last night, just tossed and turned envisaging waking to find the driveway impassable! So at 6am this morning I had to go see, dragging Rob and the dogs with me, relieved at least that it hasn't gotten any worse. Our good friend who built our driveway two years ago is heading down this afternoon for a diagnosis and to suggest a solution. Fingers crossed the repairs are not too extensive or expensive! I feel so silly for worrying, and that I'm going to turn into an obsessive worrier like my mother, and that really it's not a big deal compared to what others have to face (like after Cyclone Yasi or the Victorian bushfires) but still my weekend would have been much better without it! Any suggestions for reducing anxiety?!
Sew or something like a mad woman. That's all I've got.
Oh dear, hopefully it can be sorted out easily. Stress deducted? Hmm, I'm not the person to ask as I'm constantly stressed! A good cup of tea? Yoga?
My pick of you dinners would be the cheese again :)
I tried a super yummy piece of French cheese at Hill St over the weekend but I can't remember what it's called. Expensive though. Maybe I could treat myself to a piece for my Bday next week?
Thanks Melinda and Sarah, I've been to the gym, am going to sew in a minute and will have a cup of tea later too. Our friend didn't think it will get much worse, but he won't be able to fix it until the clay dries out, so not for a couple of months, we'll just tape off the edge so no-one gets too close. The cheese was pretty darn good, Bottega do cheese platters in the shop, very reasonable we had 3 cheeses, some bread and olives for $16, that way you get to try a couple before investing!! Although we've liked them all. Maybe you could visit for a birthday lunch?
I guess after going through the stages of building and getting everything sorted, you are now at that stage where you just want everything to be and not have to worry, so i can totally understand it. Hopefully it's all going to be ok.
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