Thursday, December 31, 2015
Maggie: The photos were on time, but I'm afraid despite being on holiday, blogging took a back seat to life. Apart from Christmas, we headed up to the north of the state for a quick visit, and then returned and succumbed to a terrible head cold. Luckily the girls seem to have escaped it so far, but Rob and I have been coughing and comparing sore throats all week. Energy and enthusiasm for anything but reading or watching DVDs has been lacking. I took these last portraits for 2015 down at the dam in the late evening. Maggie is most definitely my muse, looking into the lens with her direct gaze. They were playing games with their dinosaurs and feathers.
Elisabeth: Gazing off no doubt at the antics of the dogs who usually follow us down the path in the grass and take the opportunity to romp and wrestle around the girls.
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
I think the final portraits of 2014 were down at the dam in the grass too. The girls have grown up so much this year. Losing much of their babyness, Maggie is reminding us every day that she "Is going to be huge"! Their conversations and play games have us grinning like loons, their protectiveness and care for each other (for the most part) have us swooning, and the way they still need to cuddle us most of the day is endearing. I know I feel frustrated that they still depend on us so much and that independent play still seems a far-off dream (that doesn't involve hair-pulling, squabbles and one of us stepping in to mediate!), but I will probably miss these days one day.
Farewell to 2015. We hope 2016 brings new adventures for our little family.
52 portraits 2015,
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Maggie: Rob took these photos on Thursday. Our last day of work, and the girls' last day of care for the year. Our collective breath out was almost audible. I feel we limped through the last couple of months of this year, with a few things going on, the hustle and bustle of life seemed a bit much at times. I love the golden hour down by the big tree at the dam, the girls are happy to play with sticks and play pretend games.
Elisabeth: Despite her serious look she was enjoying herself too. She is growing up so quickly at the moment, and coming out with such sophisticated sentences!
Back on track for the penultimate 52 portrait for 2015. I know Jodi won't be continuing next year, but I find the discipline of taking regular photos important for me to ensure I take them, so I will continue next year.
52 portraits 2015,
Maggie: Whilst I didn't take many photos at their birthday party they were generously given so many gorgeous new presents, including some excellent dress up clothes. Maggie makes the most adorable little nurse.
Elisabeth: Maggie is a little frightened of her dinorider costume, but Elisabeth was keen to give it a go! (Rob took this photo).
Hard to believe they are three now. More about their birthday later.
Joining in belatedly with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Maggie: Rob thought that I present the girls as constantly clean. One evening a few weeks ago as I finished off dinner and Rob was watering in the garden the girls went feral in an unused vegetable garden bed. Doing downward dogs, jumping, laying down and finally throwing the dirt all around. Rob took these photos of the girls at our picnic table, Maggie in particular is dirt smeared, and happily eating a cucumber dipped in a soft-boiled egg.
Elisabeth: Looks surprisingly clean I admit, but she was equally grubby. They love to eat outside, and so do we, no cleaning up to worry about.
These photos were taken on 7th December.
Joining in belatedly with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Maggie: After a long week we enjoyed simple pleasures such as freshly picked strawberries from the garden.
Elisabeth: They scoff them down, not many make it back to the kitchen!
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Maggie: This week has been a tough one for us, so saying yes to the girls has probably occurred a little more frequently than normal.
Elisabeth: yes I can see myself in this look.
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Maggie: playing catch up again- the photos were taken on time, but blogging has sunk to the bottom of the priority list! These were taken late one evening, we all went outside for a wander after dinner, the girls love to explore the flower garden and hunt for tiny alpine strawberries amongst the flowers.
Elisabeth: she had been looking up at the beautiful sunset, and asking about where the moon was.
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Monday, November 16, 2015
World Prematurity Day
Every year, 15 million babies are born premature worldwide. More than one million of these babies die, and many more face serious, lifelong health challenges. Preterm birth is truly a problem that can happen to every one of us, irrespective of the country we live in, our culture or socioeconomic status.
Worldwide, one in ten babies are born too early – more than 25,000 each year in Australia alone. Giving birth to a child is one of the paramount, most positive experiences in life. Having a baby born too soon is a significant trauma for families. Preterm birth also represents a severe financial burden for many families and our often struggling healthcare systems.
November 17 is World Prematurity Day, a globally celebrated awareness day to increase awareness of preterm births as well as the deaths and disabilities due to prematurity and the simple, proven, cost-effective measures that could prevent them.
Worldwide, one in ten babies are born too early – more than 25,000 each year in Australia alone. Giving birth to a child is one of the paramount, most positive experiences in life. Having a baby born too soon is a significant trauma for families. Preterm birth also represents a severe financial burden for many families and our often struggling healthcare systems.
November 17 is World Prematurity Day, a globally celebrated awareness day to increase awareness of preterm births as well as the deaths and disabilities due to prematurity and the simple, proven, cost-effective measures that could prevent them.
I haven't slept properly in a week. My body is tired. It has been poked, prodded, scanned, monitored and finally sliced open. My arms and belly are covered in bruises and bandages where needles have been inserted for various reasons: steroids, amniotic fluid drains, magnesium sulphate, fluids. Both hands still have cannulas attached.
My hospital gown is crumpled. I don't see it, but it is blood stained. My hair is a mess. Giving away a night spent writhing through contractions on my hospital bed alone. Biting my lips to stop the moans escaping.
I have waited five hours to meet you after your birth via a c-section. Your father has stayed by my side so we could meet you together. Despite everything I am excited. While we waited in maternity we have rung family and friends to announce your arrival. We have quickly finalised your names. Finally the midwife announces the arrival of the orderlies who will wheel my bed down the corridor and into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
I am smiling. I am about to meet our daughters. Your father holds my hand as they manoeuvre the bed over to the first humidicrib.
Later I will notice the smell of the strong disinfectant and the incessant alarms that beep at each crib. But in this moment I don't smell or hear either. I see a crib, misty with condensation. A friendly nurse smiles and opens up the two little doors, so I can see you.
You are beautiful, and yet you terrify me. You are so, so small, and very red. Your tiny body is mostly covered by your nappy. There are wires and sensors attached to your chest. Your head and face are obscured by a strange hat and tubes that go up your nose.
I don't even realise at first, but hot tears are streaming down my face. I love you already, but I am so sad at what you now have to endure. The nurse encourages me to put my hand in and gently touch you. I overcome my fear and stroke your little hand.
We nearly get the names mixed up, but once they tell us you are the first born twin, we name you Maggie. We know it suits you already.
I wish I could stay next to you for longer, but in the next crib lies your sister. The tug of two babies in the NICU has already started. They move my bed over, and despite what I've just seen, your small, fragile body shocks me again. An ache that will follow me throughout your stay in hospital crushes my chest.
Elisabeth we name you. Your eyes are closed tightly against the bright lights. You seem a little more relaxed than your older sister. The tears keep falling. Such a surreal moment to meet our daughters and be so conflicted by love, fear, excitement and dread.
Remembering their birth day. If you have followed my blog for awhile you will know our daughters arrived at 26 weeks due to the acute onset of Twin-to-Twin-Transfusion-Syndrome. Maggie weighed 777g and Elisabeth 889g. They spent 112 days in hospital. They are about to turn three, we are incredibly lucky to have two healthy daughters.
Text at the top is from Miracle Babies Foundation.
Text at the top is from Miracle Babies Foundation.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Maggie: I managed to catch the light with Maggie's portrait. The grass is starting to get going.
Elisabeth: So grown up. I know I say that all the time- but when you look at these portraits it suddenly hits you.
Joining in with the 52 portrait project at Practising Simplicity.
52 portraits 2015,
Maggie: post care crazy hour. Thank goodness for daylights savings and warm weather so we can go outside!
Elisabeth: The face!
Rob took both of these photos during the week of the 44 portraits- I just haven't had a chance to post recently.
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project very late!
52 portraits 2015,
Monday, October 26, 2015
Maggie: not displayed in this photo she has started a scrunch nose face when she doesn't want to do something!
Elisabeth: I need to take our Christmas card photos so the Santa hats are about. She likes to wear hers all day long. I had to make a count down calendar until when we can put up the Christmas tree as she keeps asking about that!
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Maggie: We have been treated to some very nice spring weather so far. On Wednesday evening, just before Rob came home from work, the girls wandered barefoot down to the ornamental pear trees that line the drive way. The late afternoon sunlight created a halo around their heads as their hair lit up. Maggie in particular was quite proud of her "big hair" as she put it, as they rarely have their hair loose. There were quite a few photos I could have picked this week but this one of Maggie with her eyebrow arched and the cheeky smile has made Rob and I laugh every time we looked at the photos.
Elisabeth: She'll be very sad when she grows out of this pink dress. With it's full skirt and satin bow it's her absolute favourite dress to wear (and there are quite a few to pick from!) She loves to twirl around in it, but equally she would love to dig in the garden as well.
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Maggie: My post is running late- but the photos were on time! Rob took this photo of Maggie on their visit to the botanical gardens over a week ago. They love going there, especially this fountain in the Japanese garden. You might remember a similar image of Elisabeth earlier this year. The girls started ballet this week. I was slightly worried Maggie would be overcome with shyness, but as soon as they saw the dance studio and the big mirror she was completely fine. The girls were so excited to be there they gave each other a big hug whilst looking at themselves in the mirror! Not to mention the excitement over the leotard/tutu and the ballet slippers. Made me so proud to see them confidently interact in the class.
Elisabeth: She was particularly happy when we went shopping on Monday for their outfits, she kept peeking in her bag and smiling. She even carried it herself on our walk around the shops. She was in awe of all the other little girls at the class, and kept exclaiming "look at all the ballerinas". They were very ready for this class! I took this photo when they first tried on their leotard.
Joining in a bit late with Jodi's 52 portrait project- but I am feeling virtuous as I already have taken this week's portraits for tomorrow's post.
52 portraits 2015,
botanical gardens,
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Maggie: Classic Maggie expression; she takes riding trikes seriously. We took advantage of the warm weather and extra daylight on Monday evening, and went outside after their late nap to play on the freshly mowed lawn. The girls rode their trikes down the slope, nibbled on sourdough bread and lay next to each other on a rug staring at the clouds and birds flying by. Maggie's imagination has taken a leap this last week, she is making up songs and dances, and when she appeared to lose a 10 cent coin (it fell down her nappy!) she told me "it's invisible!"
Elisabeth: She has such a strong little body. It still amazes me that from babies so tiny and fragile we have these little girls who run and jump now. She has been declaring her love for us all at bedtime. "I love you Papa, I love you Mama, I love you dear sister Maggie". Heart melting stuff.
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Monday, September 28, 2015
Maggie: Rob took this photo of Maggie on Saturday morning when I popped out quickly to pick up milk. They were eating milk arrowroot biscuits with butter on top. The girls love butter, indeed Maggie said "I could eat butter all day long!" She made Rob's year I think yesterday, when after eating three slices of his fresh sourdough bread (his first ever sourdough loaf), she declared "I love your bread Papa."
Elisabeth: Escapee curls, a ribbon, and a slight smile. Elisabeth told everyone this morning "I love you Papa/Mama/Maggie!" She notices the most amazing things; when we were at the park the other day she noticed a grandfather and grandson together on the swings. She looked at me and whispered "Mama that's his grandfather". She loves her Gramps and we haven't seen him in two weeks due to a flu he had. I took this photo yesterday while Rob was vacuuming I try to keep the girls amused and out from under his feet!
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.
52 portraits 2015,
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Maggie: She is so polite, saying please sweetly when she requests something and thanking us profusely after she receives it! Today she woke up and starting reading books to herself next to me. A delightful way to wake up!
Elisabeth: Poor Lizzie took a tumble yesterday off a chair onto the concrete verandah- the instant egg in the middle of her forehead always makes my stomach lurch, but she let me ice it for some time, so it isn't as bad as I feared. She is answering everything this week with "of course". Would you like breakfast? Of course. Would you like a bath? Of course. Except maybe, would you like to go to sleep now?
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portrait project ON TIME!
52 portraits 2015,
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Maggie: Two serious portraits in a row! Eating freshly made scones with raspberry jam and cream is obviously something she takes very seriously.
Elisabeth: This last weekend was finally warm and sunny, and the girls made the most of it. Playing with water at every opportunity and spending the rest of the time naked! They were giving their rubber ducks a bath, which became giving themselves a bath!
Rob took both of these photos on Sunday morning, so we have caught up with the 52 portraits project.
52 portraits 2015,
Maggie: Such a serious and melancholy look for such a smiley little girl. (20150912)
Elisabeth: Happily dancing on the terrace in her new (to her) dress. I have found an excellent online source of quality second hand clothes and the girls are in heaven. We have added 11 dresses, 3 skirts and 2 tops to their wardrobe. (20150911)
The week (3rd to 10th September) was strangely an uninspired photo week, so these portraits were actually take late last week. Oh well!
Joining in very late with Jodi's 52 portrait project.
52 portraits 2015,
Friday, September 4, 2015
Maggie: Such a cheeky spirit. This week's funny moment with Maggie, as she collected her usual random assortment of toys and treasures to take to bed I asked her what she had, she just looked at me, smiled and said "everything".
Elisabeth: Growing up so quickly, Maggie seems to be in charge of selecting programs on kids iView to watch, after she chose the other day Elisabeth said "Nice choice Mags".
Joining in a little late this week with the 52 portrait project at Practising Simplicity.
52 portraits 2015,
Monday, August 24, 2015
Maggie: Yesterday we took a technology free day (no iPhone, iPad or iview) and we took the girls on a little walk to a place called Fossil Cove. A rocky playground hidden away to enjoy watching them make up games using rocks, shells and the little cave. Perfect. They loved it and in fact Maggie sobbed when we had to leave "her beach and shells".
Elisabeth: She was worried when Papa ventured onto the rocks without her! She also deliberately jumped in the rock pools to get her feet as wet as possible!
Rob took both of these photos.
Joining in with Jodi and Practising Simplicity.
52 portraits 2015,
family time,
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Maggie: This look is quintessential Maggie, the direct, slightly bemused look. The girls decided these skirts worked perfectly as hats.
Elisabeth: Like a little flower. Still a lot of baby in that face to me.
Joining in with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.
52 portraits 2015,
Monday, August 10, 2015
Maggie: Oh my that look. I was asking her to put the stick down. She seemed to be channelling her inner (Tarzan &) Jane. These two melt my heart one minute and exasperate me the next. While I was prepping their lunch box she drew all over a white chair, whilst out at morning tea she filled her mouth up with milkshake then dribbled it all over herself, my handbag and the floor. I knew I was beat so packed up and ran from the cafe, but not before Maggie explored a rubbish bin (eeewwwww). Thank goodness for wipes is all I can say.
Elisabeth: Rob took this photo of her during their excursion to the botanical gardens on Friday. Apparently they had a blast and ran around for about two hours, playing in the Japanese garden, watching a wood chipper and chasing seagulls before eating jam doughnuts on a park bench in the sun. This week I was trying to engage them in playing with their farmyard toy set. I asked Maggie to feed a (wooden) apple to the horse. Then when I asked Elisabeth what piggies eat, with out hesitation she answered "roast beef". I was confused about this choice for a minute, before remembering the this little piggy game!
Joining in with Jodi's 52 portraits.
52 portraits 2015,
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Snow at the hut
The hut was made for snow. The magical snow dusting we awoke to yesterday seemed perfectly natural to us. The perfect white covering the weeds, the wallaby poop, the septic tank, the empty garden beds. I hope we don't have to wait so long for another snow day.
The dogs were in heaven, rolling and snuffling, eating and wrestling.
The girls and I made a tiny snowman.
A day to remember always.
The dogs were in heaven, rolling and snuffling, eating and wrestling.
The girls and I made a tiny snowman.
A day to remember always.
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